crazy. horrific. harrowing. By now you've heard countless reports and news coverage describing this stressful week in Boston. Our hearts broke when we heard about little Martin Richard, Krystle Campbell, Lingzi Lu, Sean Collier and all the victims that were severely hurt and still recovering. My adopted city was on the world stage and I'm proud to say that its law enforcement, medical personnel, and residents really came together and helped one another through this week. Even through all the hatred and evil we witnessed, the camaraderie and support I saw from the community as well as the rest of the nation, gave me hope that there is more good than bad in this world. And really the people who deserve the most gratitude are the first respondents from day one of this awful week. We don't say it enough and we really should because these are the men and women who keep us safe and risk their lives every day to do so. Thank you, thank you, thank you.